what does it mean to say that a neurotransmitter can excite or inhibit neural impulses

  • Periodical List
  • Alcohol Wellness Res Earth
  • v.21(ii); 1997
  • PMC6826821

Alcohol Health Res World. 1997; 21(2): 107–108.

The Principles of Nerve Cell Advice

The nerve jail cell, or neuron, is the cardinal player in the activity of the nervous system. Information technology conveys information both electrically and chemically. Within the neuron itself, data is passed along through the movement of an electrical charge (i.east., impulse). The neuron has three principal components: (ane) the dendrites, thin fibers that extend from the cell in branched tendrils to receive information from other neurons; (2) the cell body, which carries out most of the neuron's basic cellular performance; and (3) the axon, a long, thin fiber that carries nerve impulses to other neurons.

Nerve signals often travel over long distances in the torso. For example, if you pace barefooted on a sharp object, the sensory data is relayed from your foot all the way to the brain; from there, nervus signals travel dorsum to the leg muscles and crusade them to contract, cartoon dorsum the pes. Dozens of neurons can be involved in such a circuit, necessitating a sophisticated communication arrangement to rapidly convey signals betwixt cells. Besides, because individual neurons can be up to three feet long, a rapid-relay mechanism within the neurons themselves is required to transmit each point from the site where it is received to the site where information technology is passed on to a neighboring prison cell. Two mechanisms take evolved to transmit nerve signals. Showtime, inside cells, electrical signals are conveyed along the cell membrane. 2nd, for communication between cells, the electrical signals by and large are converted into chemical signals conveyed by small messenger molecules called neurotransmitters.

Indicate Transmission Inside Nerve Cells

The mechanism underlying signal manual inside neurons is based on voltage differences (i.east., potentials) that be between the within and the outside of the cell. This membrane potential is created by the uneven distribution of electrically charged particles, or ions, the well-nigh important of which are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl), and calcium (Ca2+). Ions enter and go out the cell through specific poly peptide channels in the cell'due south membrane. The channels "open" or "close" in response to neurotransmitters or to changes in the cell'south membrane potential. The resulting redistribution of electric charge may alter the voltage difference beyond the membrane. A decrease in the voltage departure is chosen depolarization. If depolarization exceeds a certain threshold, an impulse (i.eastward., action potential) volition travel along the neuron. Various mechanisms ensure that the action potential propagates in simply one direction, toward the axon tip. The generation of an action potential is sometimes referred to as "firing."

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Signal transmission beyond the synaptic scissure. The bounden of neurotransmitters (shown as triangles) to receptors that human activity equally ligand-gated ion channels causes these channels to open, leading in some cases to a depolarization of the part of the membrane closest to the channel. Depolarization results in the opening of other ion channels, which in turn may generate an action potential. Neurotransmitters (shown as circles) that bind to second messenger-linked receptors initiate a complex cascade of chemic events that can produce changes in cell function. In this schematic, the first component of such a signaling pour is a G protein.

Bespeak Transmission Between Cells

Communication amidst neurons typically occurs across microscopic gaps chosen synaptic clefts. Each neuron may communicate with hundreds of thousands of other neurons. A neuron sending a signal (i.e., a presynaptic neuron) releases a chemical called a neurotransmitter, which binds to a receptor on the surface of the receiving (i.e., postsynaptic) neuron. Neurotransmitters are released from presynaptic terminals, which may branch to communicate with several postsynaptic neurons. Dendrites are specialized to receive neuronal signals, although receptors may be located elsewhere on the cell. Approximately 100 different neurotransmitters exist. Each neuron produces and releases only 1 or a few types of neurotransmitters, but can carry receptors on its surface for several types of neurotransmitters.

To cross the synaptic cleft, the cell's electrical message must be converted into a chemical one. This conversion takes place when an action potential arrives at the axon tip, resulting in depolarization. The depolarization causes Ca2+ to enter the cell. The increment in intracellular Ca2+ concentration triggers the release of neurotransmitter molecules into the synaptic cleft.

2 large groups of receptors exist that elicit specific responses in the receptor cell: Receptors that act as ligand-gated ion channels result in rapid but short-lived responses, whereas receptors coupled to 2d-messenger systems induce slower merely more than prolonged responses.

Ligand-Gated Aqueduct Receptors

When a neurotransmitter molecule binds to a receptor that acts as a ligand-gated ion channel, a channel opens, allowing ions to flow across the membrane (encounter effigy). The catamenia of positively charged ions into the cell depolarizes the portion of the membrane nearest the channel. Because this situation is favorable to the subsequent generation of an action potential, ligand-gated aqueduct receptors that are permeable to positive ions are called excitatory.

Other ligand-gated channels are permeable to negatively charged ions. An increase of negative accuse inside the cell makes it more difficult to excite the cell and induce an activeness potential. Such channels accordingly are called inhibitory.

Second Messenger-Linked Receptors

2d messengers (e.g., G proteins) are molecules that assistance relay signals from the jail cell's surface to its interior. Neurotransmitters that demark to second messenger-linked receptors, such as dopamine, initiate a complex cascade of chemical events that can either excite or inhibit further electrical signals (see figure). The neurotransmitters also may attach to receptors on the transmitting prison cell's own presynaptic sites, beginning a feedback procedure that can bear upon hereafter communication through that synaptic crack.

With so many different receptors on its cell surface, some of the signals the neuron receives will have excitatory effects, whereas others volition be inhibitory. In improver, some of the signals (e.grand., those transmitted through ligand-gated channels) will induce fast responses, whereas others (e.g., those transmitted through 2nd messenger-linked proteins) will trigger deadening responses. The integration by the neuron of these often conflicting signals determines whether the neuron will generate an activeness potential, release neurotransmitters, and thereby exert an influence on other neurons.

Neurotransmitters and Booze

Among the neurotransmitters of almost interest to alcohol researchers are dopamine, serotonin, glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), opioid peptides, and adenosine, all of which are featured in this special section. These molecules generally autumn into three categories: (1) excitatory neurotransmitters (east.g., glutamate), which actuate the postsynaptic cell; (two) inhibitory neurotransmitters (e.g., GABA), which depress the activity of the postsynaptic cell; and (3) neuromodulators (east.g., adenosine), which modify the postsynaptic cell's response to other neurotransmitters. Neurons that release these substances class the basis of neural circuits that link dissimilar areas of the brain in a complex network of pathways and feedback loops. The integrated activity of these circuits regulates mood, activity, and the behaviors that may underlie disorders such every bit alcoholism.

Manufactures from Alcohol Wellness and Research World are provided hither courtesy of National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism


Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6826821/

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